Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas is over!

Christmas was great! Food, food and more food!! Here is a picture of Brandon and Melanie opening presents. They look kind of tired from the night before. lol I'm still not working so it was a cheap Christmas. But we still had a house full of love. I did bake some. And I gave most of it away!!!

Here are some of the cookies. On Christmas Eve we went over to Melanie's family's home. They are so much fun. One thing really touched my heart. Melanie's brother picked up a homeless man off the street. After he had a good meal, he got a haircut, shave and bath. They packed a backpack full of clothes and personal care items for him. It was such a joy to see these kids giving to someone in need. Thank the Lord for them all!!

Of course it wouldn't be Christmas without Buddy playing in the wrapping paper. I went and spent Christmas afternoon with my Sister and Peanut. Her son and family also were there. What a lovely time we had. Christmas dinner was soooo good!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all. We wish everyone happiness and goodwill. Make this a great year with family, friends, and always with great color!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Chair and Christmas!

Ok, I inherited this sad little chair from my parents. It had cracks and repairs all over it. But it does have memories. So I went to work repairing and painting. Lot's of sanding and about 3 coats of white paint and WaLa.
Now here is a question. The whole time I had plans to paint it with a Damask Design. Maybe green like my walls or black. Should I just leave it white? Or try and paint a design on the white??
Then it was time to decorate for Christmas. Man! I ran out of energy quickly. My sis Dancing in the Dark and Peanut made a trip to Tai Pan Trading Co. It's like a fairy wonderland of Christmas trees. We had a blast and got lots of cool ideas.
So here is my finished tree.
Here in the kitchen I filled my glass container with Christmas balls and decorated with ribbon!
Of course Buddy had to help with decorating the tree!! I will be finding balls all around!!
Have a great Holiday!! And always with great color!

Friday, November 5, 2010


I love love love Topiary. But usually they run kind of high for my budget. I had these pots to my entry that I wanted something new in. And the dead Halloweenish plants weren't cutting it. So since my back was somewhat good today. I took off to Walmart. Not that I thought I could walk the whole store. But enough to pick up a few things. I think the drive over to Walmart hurt me more. UGH!!! Anywho, I walked into the nursery section and tah dah!!!!!! TOPIARY!!!! Woweee Soweee!!! I picked out two. After coming back home, they were my first project. It's been so beautiful lately. Warm for a November. So here is the finished picture. I'm very pleased at how they look. I just hope I can keep up the shapes.
So everyone have a good weekend. Get outside and take deep breaths of the beautiful day. And always with great color.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yeah Finished!

Finished the Camo lap throw today. Just in time. Almost ran out of yarn. I like the way it turned out. Buddy seems to like it too. It has given me something to do while my back is getting better. I threw it out about two weeks ago. Don't know what I did. But I guess sometimes we just move wrong. Sometimes I sure hate getting older. And dang it I had a birthday right in the middle of a painful week. Didn't help the getting old feeling. Oh well, I'm getting better slowly. I guess life just throws bumps in the road sometimes. Here's a smooth spot. My sister (Dancing in the Dark) gave me this beautiful yarn bag. I love it!!!! It's green!! She also hand spun me some yarn. I need to make my next project something special!! She's so dear to me, My bestest friend! Here is a pic of it!
I also got a great gift from my daughter. A beautiful wall decoration. Words that are like stickers. But when applied they appear almost to be painted on. I know these words speak the truth. Even though sometimes we don't agree on things. I hope she will remember that Families are everything and deserve respect. I placed this above my buffet in the dinning room. What do you think?
Always with great color!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looks like Fall!!

Wow it's sure turning into Fall. I love it!! Got out all the Fall things that I have. Can't seem to pass up anything leaf or pumpkin. I'm not to into the scary Halloween things. I like things that can last through Thanksgiving. Buddy likes all the decor. So I thought I would make a blanket throw for my livingroom. I needed a project. And I picked a couple different greens (of course)and a carmel color. My son came home and said "Why are you making a camo blanket?" Ha ha ha I didn't even think of that when I bought the yarn. But I guess it kind of looks like that. Anywho, I love it.
So get out your tea cups and mugs and start to drink warm apple cider and hot chocolate. Fall is here!!! And always with great color!
Buddy get out of that new yarn!!!!! Such a little helper.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I know it's been a while. Think I have just been vegging out. I need to wake up and get my butt back in gear. Anyways, I was working on another blanket for my son's girlfriends Birthday. Finally finished it!!! Happy Birthday Melanie.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I finished the blanket and made a small cap for the baby also. Melanie took it to her sister. Shortly afterwards my son got a text and picture. Well baby Vincent's brother Augustine had stole the cap and was wearing it. He's almost two!! Oh well at least they are enjoying it. And with the cool weather we are having they should be able to use the blanket also.
I need another project now!!
It's been cool so Buddy has been curling up and trying to keep warm. A big no no is laying on my son's Brandon's bed. Well look what I found. I told him I was going to take a blackmail picture. He kind of sneered at me. lol He does look cozy!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


I haven't crocheted in a while. And I don't do anything fancy. But my son's girlfriends sister just had a baby. And I have the time. (Still job hunting). It's almost done. I love the mint green color.

One problem.......Buddy likes it too!! Here he is checking out a piece of loose yarn.
He doesn't have front claws. So he picks it up in his teeth and runs!!!
Oh well, he's having fun. Have a good Labor Day weekend peeps! And always with great color!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Salads Yum!

It's been such a nice summer so far. Not too hot and cooling off in the evenings. I have been making more salads for dinner. They are so refreshing! This is a picture of a taco salad I made. The tomato on top is from my sister's garden. It's suppose to be yellow. And it was yummy to my tummy!
This salad was a fried chicken salad. It was great too!! Buddy just thinks he will sit this meal out. Don't think he's liken the lettuce. My own garden kind of sucks!! I have had all tiny veggies. Blah. Here is my one tomato!! I guess they don't like growing in pots. It's pretty small. But when it got red I ate it on a dinner salad. And it was pretty tasty too!! Oh well, and always with great color!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vacation and the 4th of July!

Well, I'm slow but had a great vacation in Idaho with my sister and her granddaughter. It's a beautiful place and can see why they like it. Slower pace of life and down to earth good people. Not crazy Californians. Here are some pic's of the long drive and the beautiful town. Carol and I had some nice walks around the town and neighborhood. Such nice friendly people.
Then on the 4th of July we all went to the local park. Fireworks are legal! They were shooting them off above our heads! Here is the beautiful sunset we saw as we waited for the sun to set and the fireworks to begain!
Family is everything. I hope I didn't wear out my welcome. I would love to go there again. Hugs to them all!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Another thing about this economy is eating at home lots. Might be a good thing. But I was always used to cooking for a Husband and two growing teenagers. Now it's just me and my 30 year old son. If he happens to be around.

So the other night I made Spaghetti. Tons leftover. So here is what I did with them. Spaghetti Pie!!!! It might look a little scary, but it's yum. You mix an egg and grated Parmesan cheese in with the noodles. Make like a crust. Yeah it kind of looks like a birds nest. Then fill it with the meat sauce. Next mix cream cheese and more Parmesan cheese. Drop teaspoons on top. Cook at 350 for 30 minutes. Leftovers of this are tasty too. lol

Garden update:

Look how big it's getting! Ok I have a question. This suppose to be a red pepper. Do they turn red on the plant or after you pick them?? lol
Hope everyone is having a great week. It's hot as a chili pepper here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Monday.......

Well it's another Monday. After my morning walk I spent most of the morning looking for a new job. Ugh! It's so hard in this economy to find anything. But I figured if I did get called in for a interview, I might want nice looking toes. Trying to save some moola. I did them myself. Bending this 57 year old body in half to do this is really a feet (pun). Gotta get the right light, glasses and equipment. What a hassle! Gosh and I don't get the massage either. Bah Humbug! Oh well. Happy Monday! lol

Buddy "Who really cares Mom. Don't wake me up".

Look Buddy my toenails match my Tiki Punch.

Buddy "Yawn..... She's losing it"

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pink Pink Pink! I'm in the Pink!

Well we are having another hot one. Might have to start walking a bit earlier. UGH! Anyways, I have lost 3 lbs. I think the heat takes away the appetite.
I was watering my poor hot garden and plants this morning. I ate my first strawberry!!! Couldn't wait. lol Then I was watering my hydrangea. It's such a pretty shade of pink. And the bush has gotten big this year. It's about 3 years old and was tiny. I have never had any luck with them before. So I'm overly excited. So bear with me......
I picked this bouquet for my dinning room table. I have asparagus fern growing up in my planters. So I added some for filler. It's so pretty. They are one of my favorite flowers. Just wish they had some smell!!
Today is also my Mom's birthday. She would have been 78 years old. But she passed away in 2006. She once painted a painting of Hydrangea's. I wonder where that painting is now?? Oh well, they remind me of Mom. Love ya!! And always with great color!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mini Apple Pies

Hi Everyone,

Well since it's been so warm out. I'm staying inside where it's cool. Today I got the cooking bug. I had seen on one of my friends blogs these pies. She made hers like pot pies. With meat, potatoes etc. I thought I would try them with apples. You use Grands biscuits. Flatten them out first. I buttered my cookie sheet. (Yeah they are old and I use them lots). Plopped down the bottom dough. Then I cut up 2 very large apples. Mixed in some sugar and cinnamon. (I seldom measure). I scooped cup fulls of the mixture onto the dough. Then put a small teaspoon of butter on top. I then flatten out a biscuit for the top. Tried to seal them closed around the edges. I guess I could have rolled them out with a rolling pin. But I didn't want to work with the dough much. So yeah they are kinda leaking. Oh well, I cut a small X in the dough on top. And sprinkles them with more cinnamon and sugar. Here they are before they went into the oven. 350 for 20 minutes.

Cook until nice and brown. I gave a couple (one pack makes 4 pies)to my daughter. I don't need to eat that much sweet stuff. lol They were TASTY!! Warm with vanilla ice cream would have hit the spot. Thanks so much for the cute idea! Bon Appetite!!

Had to share a picture of my Hydrangea bush. It's so big this year and look at all the blooms. When they turn color I will post another pic. I know other parts of the country grow huge ones. But this is the desert in Southern California. So I'm jazzed!!! Always with great color!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer is Here!

Wow has it been hot! Ever notice the older you get, the less you can take the heat! I got all dressed up and went out job searching yesterday. By the time I got home I was a sweat ball! Ugh! So I put on some shorts and took Buddy out on the patio in the early evening. He loves the cool concrete patio. All the ants are out also. Looking for water. I wish they would go visit someplace else! At least I haven't had them in the house yet! lol

Today I am fixing a few things around the house. It's always something. But I'm going to enjoy this time off and get something done! My flag pole had pulled out of it place. I had to put bigger screws in. One thing done. Then I siliconed one of the corners in my shower. Still should seal all the tile again. Two things done. Time for lunch. I BBQ'd hot dogs the other day. So I'm a big leftover fan. Here they are.

Think I'll eat and spend sometime looking online for a job. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Poor hot Buddy!

Poor Buddy. He doesn't like this hot weather we are having! So he's back to taking his naps on the glass coffee table. I just had my hair cut for the summer. And I think I will have to get him a hair cut this summer also.

Latest decor idea. I had this large jar. I decided to fill is full of pasta. What do you think? I did have it full of fake limes. But I wanted a change. Now that I'm home more I've been cleaning out cupboards. Yes, finally got the kitchen cupboard cleaned. And the hall linen closet. That was not fun. How do we save so much stuff???

Garden update!

Look I have a strawberry!!

I'm doing the Happy Dance!!!! Really, I'm excited to see things growing. lol
Now look at my bell pepper!!

It's getting bigger!! I just hope they don't overheat with this hot weather. It's crazy hot! Making my morning walks sweaty and uncomfortable. But I keep plowing along. Just have to eat more ice cream. Right?? I've doing lots of thinking about life and God's plan for me. I'm seeing that he takes me through some things to teach me patience. Also so I will appreciate when the good things come along. Whether they are people, jobs, home, gardens or almost anything. At least I am learning and growing as a person. Which even at my age I can still do! Love your family and friends, coworkers, and enemies. They are all a part in God's plan for you and me. And don't pass up the opportunities to tell people how special they are to you. Love you all. And always with great color!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What a difference a Day makes!

Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Mine was great. First off Saturday I resigned from my job. Long story but it's a good thing. Not enough hours and a hostile environment. And with having to call in everyday. I wasn't able to look for something else. So I'm happy to leave.

Had a super day with my daughter. We love going to a restaurant in Redlands, CA. Martha Green's. It is also a bakery. Nothing like their broccoli salad. Except Melanie's sister makes a better one. The whole place is decorated with chickens. Chicken everything. So of course I love it and feel right a home. They even bring you a chicken shaped cookie with the bill!!

As you can see Buddy laid low with Brandon. Brandon is playing Call of Duty. Better not touch that remote Buddy!!
Garden update!!
Check out my Bell Pepper. It's only the size of a quarter. But Woo Hoo I grew something!!!

All in all it's been a good week. I've gotten lots of things done around the house. Things are actually dusted and clean!! Now what Buddy??