Thursday, October 4, 2012
Happy October and Fall Season!
I love Fall!!! The cool weather can't come too soon. No more frizzy hair!
I love all the wonderful sents of fall also. Cinnamon and spice, Pumpkin, and Apple.
I got out all my Halloween and Fall goodies and did some decorating!
Everthing turned out cozy and warm. What do you think?
This is my kitchen bar. I love the green leaves placemats. My turkey plate
was a Walmart find.
I like lots of leaves and pumpkins. Nothing too scary. Then it can carry over into
Thanksgiving time.
Here is the living room. Got out the bright green spider blanket and pillow. They
will go right after Halloween.
I like to drape the leaf garland over my intertainment center. I have tweaked things
a bit more and added some cool lanterns that I picked up. All flowers and leaves
are silk.
Enjoy the season and always with great color!!
home decor,
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Bookshelf Update
I wanted you all to see the finished bookshelf first. They were solid white. I kept seeing how people paint the backs of bookshelves, so I started thinking of things I could do. First I thought about paper. Like scrap book paper. They have such pretty prints. And I didn't after all want it to be a permanent thing. In case I changed my mind. But while looking at paper I decided it wasn't the way to go. I also thought of wallpaper. Which would be very cool. But I would need such a little bit. So while shopping at the 99cent store, I found this shelving paper. Contact paper!! And for only $4.00 got 4 rolls. Enough to do the project.
Here is the begining.
It went on really easy.
Then I added back all the books and nick nacks.
I had two of them to do. I'm so pleased with how they turned out!
And always with great color!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Beautiful Pictures

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Full Bloom!
Here is my Hydrangea in full bloom. I love it. I might try a tip for when you cut the flowers for a vase. Your suppose to dip the stems in boiling water first. But I don't know if I have the heart to cut them. Look how pretty they are up close. I know in other parts of the country they get much larger. But I'm just thrilled that my pretty plant is living!!!
And always with great color!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I'm such a proud Grandma!! Here my grandson Ryan is gratuating from 6th grade. I can't believe how fast they grow up.
Here are some random pictures of Ryan and his classmates.
Here is one with my beautiful daughter. Of course Ryan looked down. He couldn't wait to be off with his friends.
And I took another picture of my Hydrangea. The blooms are so pretty!
And always with great color!!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Purrrr fect Day!
Today was very much a outside kind of day. I took my morning bike ride and then enjoyed the outside!!
Notice how big my Hydrengea is getting? It has tons of buds. Everything is in full bloom.
Purrr fect place for sitting! Buddy was enjoying outside also.
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather! And always with great color
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Lovely Day!!
I woke up this morning to the most lovely day. Just had to get outside. Even though I had lots of house cleaning to do.
I couldn't resist taking pictures of all my roses and flowers in bloom. Mother nature is busting out all over. The birds
are all out building nests.
Buddy was pretty excited to get outside also. He sure did want those birds.
Look how big my hydrangea is! It's full of buds. Can't wait till it starts to bloom!!
There is something so calming about working in the yard. Getting your hands muddy and watering. The patio just felt great. Here is another picture of my old bread rack that I spray painted.
I can't really sit out on my front bench now that the ground cover has taken it over. But I haven't had the heart to trim it all back. I guess I should. What do you think?
Later in the day I BBQ'd. All the neighbor's were out enjoying the lovely evening.
And always with great color!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Bread Rack Redo!!
So today was finally sunny and beautiful enough to work on my Bread Rack - Potting Rack.
I had gone to Home Depot and picked up Rubbed Bronze spray paint. Also some new flowers.
After cleaning off the Bread Rack. Which was a charming brass and hunter green. Blah!
I started the painting.
What a difference the paint made. It looks like a rod-iron piece now. I love it.
I placed it near the enterance of my home. I'm still playing with placement of
old things I had already. I also still need more plants or flowers. But it feels
like a whole new piece. I like the bright green pots and silver can's with the daisy's!
So remember to not throw out some of your old piece's. Paint does wonders!!
And always with great color!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I hope everyone had a great Easter. Mine was very relaxing. That morning I was packing away my Easter knick knack.
When Buddy ran out the door. He saw a butterfly and took off after it. There were three little boys playing ball outside.
They saw Buddy run out. One of the boy's said "Look a skunk!!" I cracked up!! Yes, he was crawling down low toward the
butterfly. And Yes, he is big and hairy. I just looked at the boys and said "No he is a cat. Just big and hairy."
Poor Buddy. Now they think he's a skunk!!!
I've been thinking alot about our relationships with each other. What really shows a good person? Not just a kind, honest,
hardworker. But a person that can show compassion for people. I think this is an important trate to have. When you feel compassion
for people you won't mouth off and say stupid, unkind things. It shows you actually have a heart. You think of how this will effect others. You love other's as you would
want to be treated. As the Bible says. Do unto other's as you would have done unto you. Good words to think about. The said, words
can never be taken back. It can cause so much damage to children, wife, husband, family, coworkers, everyone. Have compassion for each other
and we all won't be going around with no self confidence or self esteem. Build each other up! Show compassion!!
Back to Easter .I had a really great day over with my daughter and her fiance. We had the best dinner outside on their patio. It was a gorgous day!!
We relaxed after eating and watched some TV. Here is a pic of them. We almost all feel asleep. I love a day with family relaxing. It was the best!!
And always with great color!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Vintage Patio Chairs!!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Headboard or Art?
I've been going back an forth in my mind.....Do I want a headboard on my bed or a cool piece of art. When ever I'm looking at pictures or out shopping, I try and find ideas. Hum? Couldn't seem to find a painting with the right colors. In fact I was almost thinking of painting something myself. (Oh dear that's a scary thought). Then I was shopping at my favorite store Ross (of course). And there she was!!!! I still had questions in my mind. So I wandered over to Kohls. There she was again!!! At twice the price!!!! Of course I still wasn't sure.
I went home to think about it. And think, and think. Ok, after work I new I needed her. I went to my more local Ross and YEAH she was still there. I like the crystal's on this piece. They will go with my "S" that I just crafted. Since I'm going for a more girly look, it will fit right in. The mirror in the middle is bevealed also. I love it!! In case your not sure......The white is the cardboard box it is in.
Now which color should I paint the walls?? Tan or light grey blue?? Which do you think would look good behind my new art?
Of course Buddy had to have a look at himself in the mirror!!
And always with great color!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
With a Captial "S"
My latest interesting web site is Pinterest. I kept seeing these letters covered in buttons and corks. So I thought I would make one for my bedroom. It took me a while to find the right size I wanted. But found one at Joanne's Fabrics. So here it is while painting it blue.
It was a little bright. So I added some black paint and calmed it down. Then I started adding the bling!!!
I covered every inch. Exept the back. I'm going to stand it on my nightstand.
I plan on painting my furniture black. Here is the finished "S". It took me quite a white. (And a few glue gun burns on the fingers).
While I was doing the "S" I started replacing my kitchen faucet. What a pain in the rear end. Living in a mobile home, well lets just say Nothing is normal size. After shutting down the water to the house. I removed the old faucet. I know now why I don't do plumbing much. Crawling under the sink......kills the back!!!
I would love a new sink. But of course that's a weird size too. And I'm not going to attempt that one on my own. After installing the new faucet. I was super pleased. Except of course it leaked a little underneath. GRRRRRRRR!! So I had to take it all apart again. Shutting off and on the water to the house. I need flex hoses under the sink. My house is so old 1966. All the piping is copper tubes. And they don't like to be messed with much. So anyways after the second try it seems to be ok. Until I can get flex hoses and then my son!! (thank you Jesus) will help me. Let's just say I said a few prayers though this project!!
And what was Buddy doing the whole time??? Like always, resting.
And always with great color!!!
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