I finally got the time to paint my Vintage patio chairs! If you remember I found them. They were on the curb to be picked up. Here is a picture of them when I found them.
I had to sand them down. Which I'm not the best at. But I tried to get them smooth.
Then I covered out back the ground with a plastic tarp. I turned them upside down and painted the back and bottom first. I decided to use a happy apple green.
I turned them right side up and sprayed painted the seat and back and arms.
I let them dry overnite. I spray painted the tubeing white. It was hard to do and I tried to mask off the green.
I had to turn them upside down to paint the bottoms. It was super hard not to get white on green. And I am no expert!!! But I'm happy with how it went.
Then Waa Laa they were done!!! I'm real happy with how they turned out.
Remember don't be afraid of great color!!!
I love these Susan. They turned out so pretty. They look like a million dollars!!! I bet they would sell for $100 each on ebay.
ReplyDeleteYour amazing with the decorating stuff. Good job!
I'm wondering why you didn't paint the white first since it was so hard to do it last?