Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lovely Day!!

I woke up this morning to the most lovely day. Just had to get outside. Even though I had lots of house cleaning to do. I couldn't resist taking pictures of all my roses and flowers in bloom. Mother nature is busting out all over. The birds are all out building nests.
Buddy was pretty excited to get outside also. He sure did want those birds.
Look how big my hydrangea is! It's full of buds. Can't wait till it starts to bloom!!
There is something so calming about working in the yard. Getting your hands muddy and watering. The patio just felt great. Here is another picture of my old bread rack that I spray painted.
I can't really sit out on my front bench now that the ground cover has taken it over. But I haven't had the heart to trim it all back. I guess I should. What do you think?
Later in the day I BBQ'd. All the neighbor's were out enjoying the lovely evening. And always with great color!!

1 comment:

  1. Your chairs look beautiful, love the setting on your porch.Flowers in bloom so pretty. The bench is awesome with the plants growing on it, I would leave it too.
    Your Friend Terry
