Finished the Camo lap throw today. Just in time. Almost ran out of yarn. I like the way it turned out. Buddy seems to like it too. It has given me something to do while my back is getting better. I threw it out about two weeks ago. Don't know what I did. But I guess sometimes we just move wrong. Sometimes I sure hate getting older. And dang it I had a birthday right in the middle of a painful week. Didn't help the getting old feeling. Oh well, I'm getting better slowly. I guess life just throws bumps in the road sometimes. Here's a smooth spot. My sister (Dancing in the Dark) gave me this beautiful yarn bag. I love it!!!! It's green!! She also hand spun me some yarn. I need to make my next project something special!! She's so dear to me, My bestest friend! Here is a pic of it!
I also got a great gift from my daughter. A beautiful wall decoration. Words that are like stickers. But when applied they appear almost to be painted on. I know these words speak the truth. Even though sometimes we don't agree on things. I hope she will remember that Families are everything and deserve respect. I placed this above my buffet in the dinning room. What do you think?
Always with great color!